Protect Their Pathways 

Protecting Giants, Preserving Pathways

Our mission is clear: to ensure a future where humans and elephants can coexist peacefully. Our "Protect Their Pathways" campaign, part of World Elephant Day this August, is at the heart of our mission. Will you join us in safeguarding the homes of these magnificent creatures while supporting the communities that share their land.

Our work in Laikipia supports the prosperity of 20% of Kenya's elephants.

72  crop raids prevented by Mobile Response Unit in 2023

8 collared elephants provide data to facilitate coexistence


The urgency of our mission

When elephants wander into human settlements, they can inadvertently destroy crops and property, leading to tensions and sometimes tragic outcomes. Together with our supporters, we tackle these conflicts head-on, offering solutions that foster coexistence for elephants and the local communities. 

Our pioneering 'short-post' electric fences are designed to keep elephants away from human settlements and farmlands. These fences safeguard crops and livelihoods but also allow elephants to roam freely in their natural homes without causing disruptions.

Your support helps create sanctuaries where these gentle giants can live without fear. Together, we can work to protect elephant pathways and create a harmonious future for elephants and humans.

Why Your Support Matters?

Your gift will make a significant impact for years to come by helping to:

  • Ensure elephants have safe pathways to migrate without entering human settlements, preserving their homes and natural environment.

  • Support local communities in developing practices that foster harmony with elephant herds, creating a peaceful and prosperous coexistence.

  • Maintain the natural ecosystems that are vital for the well-being of our planet, ensuring a healthy and balanced environment for future generations.

I want to make a difference

Every donation, no matter the size, contributes to a future where elephants and humans thrive together. By donating today, you help protect these magnificent creatures and support the communities that share their homes.

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